
-or- What if we could parse natural language with a finite state automaton?


February 13, 2024


April 8, 2024

So, in our notes on finite state automata and push-down automata we concluded that since natural language has bracket matching patterns, and maybe even crossing dependencies, that it’s more complex than a “regular” language, and can’t really be parsed with a finite state automaton.

ngram language modelling asks the question: But what if we tried really hard?


[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to
[nltk_data]     /Users/joseffruehwald/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package punkt is already up-to-date!

States and Words

The first sentence of Moby Dick is, famously,

Call me Ishmael.

We could try representing this as a finite state automaton like so:

    direction LR

    [*] --> call: call
    call --> me: me
    me --> ishmael: ishmael
    ishmael --> [*]

But, this is far from a complete model of the whole book Moby Dick. It would only work if the entire book was just “Call me Ishmael” over and over again.

To enrich the FSA, we could add all of the other words that could follow “call”.

    direction LR

    [*] --> call: call
    call --> call: call
    call --> it: it
    call --> a: a
    call --> me: me
    call --> him: him
    call --> ...
    call --> [*]

    me --> ishmael: ishmael
    me --> call: call

    ishmael --> [*]

But, lots of other words could also follow “me”. And more words could also follow “Ishmael”

    direction LR

    [*] --> call: call
    call --> call: call
    call --> it: it
    call --> a: a
    call --> me: me
    call --> him: him
    call --> ...
    call --> [*]

    me --> me: me
    me --> call: call
    me --> that: that
    me --> and: and
    me --> ishmael: ishmael
    me --> to: to
    me --> ...
    me --> [*]

    ishmael --> ishmael: ishmael
    ishmael --> me: me
    ishmael --> can: can
    ishmael --> said: said
    ishmael --> ...
    ishmael --> [*]

If we fully fleshed out this diagram with all1 of words in Moby Dick, it would look like this

Figure 1: Bigram network for Moby Dick, where \(C(w_1, w_2)\ge 5\)


The “model” of word sequences is called an “ngram” model or more specifically a “bigram” model.

How we name *gram models
Words in the current state Words in input Total Words Name
1 1 2 bigram
2 1 3 trigram
3 1 4 4-gram
4 1 5 5-gram

We can expand the context of the bigram model to a trigram model, which would look something like this

  direction LR
  state "_ call" as _c
  state "call me" as cm
  state "me Ishmael" as mi
  [*] --> _
  _ --> _c: call
  _c --> cm: me
  cm --> mi: Ishmael
  mi --> [*]

But, again, even for this small vocabulary, this total number of states is incomplete. If we wired up all of the logical transitions they’d look like this ilithid monstrosity.

    direction LR

    state "_ call" as _c
    state "_ me" as _m
    state "_ Ishmael" as _i
    state "call me" as cm
    state "call call" as cc
    state "call Ishmael" as ci

    state "me Ishmael" as mi
    state "me call" as mc
    state "me me" as mm

    state "Ishmael call" as ic
    state "Ishmael Ishmael" as ii
    state "Ishmael me" as im

    [*] --> _: _
    _ --> _m: me
    _ --> _c: call
    _ --> _i: Ishmael

    _c --> cm: me
    _c --> cc: call
    _c --> ci: Ishmael

    cc --> cc: call
    cc --> ci: Ishmael
    cc --> cm: me

    ci --> ii: Ishmael
    ci --> im: me
    ci --> ic: call

    cm --> mi: Ishmael
    cm --> mm: me
    cm --> mc: call

    _m --> mc: call
    _m --> mm: me
    _m --> mi: Ishmael
    mm --> mm: me
    mm --> mc: call
    mm --> mi: Ishmael

    mi --> ii: Ishmael
    mi --> ic: call
    mi --> im: me

    mc --> cm: me
    mc --> ci: Ishmael
    mc --> cc: call

    _i --> ic: call
    _i --> im: me
    _i --> ii: Ishmael

    ic --> cc: call
    ic --> cm: me
    ic --> ci: Ishmael

    im --> mi: Ishmael
    im --> mc: call
    im --> mm: me

    ii --> im: me
    ii --> ic: call
    ii --> ii: Ishmael

Probabilistic ngrams

But, if we look at the actual entire book Moby Dick, not all of these connections are equally likely.

next word word
call me ishmael
call 0 1 0
ishmael 0 1 0
me 3 0 0

%% fig-align: center
flowchart LR
    c["call"] ==> m["me"]
    m --> c
    m --> i["Ishmael"]

Terminology and Notation Moment

Types vs Tokens

A function to get all of the words in Moby Dick
import re
import gutenbergpy.textget
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

def get_moby_dick_words():
  raw_book = gutenbergpy.textget.get_text_by_id(2701) # with headers
  moby_dick_byte = gutenbergpy.textget.strip_headers(raw_book) # without headers
  moby_dick = moby_dick_byte.decode("utf-8")
  moby_dick_tokens = word_tokenize(moby_dick)
  moby_dick_words = [tok for tok in moby_dick_tokens]
  return moby_dick_words
moby_dick_words = get_moby_dick_words()
for idx, word in enumerate(moby_dick_words[0:20]):
  print(word, end = ", ")
  if (idx+1) % 5 == 0:
MOBY-DICK, ;, or, ,, THE, 
WHALE, ., By, Herman, Melville, 
Supplied, by, a, Sub-Sub-Librarian, ), 

We can get counts of how often each word appeared in the book with collections.Counter() .

from collections import Counter

word_count = Counter(moby_dick_words)

Let’s compare the length of the full list of words to the length of the word count dictionary.

print(f"There are {len(moby_dick_words):,} total  words.")
There are 255,958 total  words.
print(f"There are  {len(word_count):,} unique words.")
There are  21,897 unique words.

In more common corpus/compling terminology, we would say

  • There are 215,300 tokens in Moby Dick.

  • There are 19,989 types in Moby Dick.

We can get the frequency of the words “whale” and “ogre” in Moby Dick like so:

We can index word_count with the string "whale" because it is a “dictionary” We could create our own dictionary like this:

food_type = {
  "banana": "fruit",
  "strawberry": "fruit",
  "carrot": "vegetable",
  "onion": "vegetable"

print(f"The word 'whale' appeared {word_count['whale']:,} times.")
The word 'whale' appeared 771 times.
print(f"The word  'ogre' appeared    {word_count['ogre']} times.")
The word  'ogre' appeared    0 times.

The way we’d describe this in a more corpus/comp-ling way is

The word type “whale” appears in Moby Dick. There are 1,070 tokens of “whale” in the book.

The word type “ogre” does not appear in Moby Dick.


Words and variables

text Call me Ishmael . Some years
math standin \(w_1\) \(w_2\) \(w_3\) \(w_4\) \(w_5\) \(w_6\) \(w_i\)
Math Notation

Literally the second word in a sequence.


The \(i\)th word in the sequence (that is, any arbitrary word).

Counting Words

Counts of each type in Moby Dick
token n math
Call 3

\(C(w_1) = 3\)

me 607

\(C(w_2) = 607\)

Ishmael 18

\(C(w_3) = 18\)

. 7164

\(C(w_4) = 7164\)

Some 38

\(C(w_5) = 38\)

years 91

\(C(w_6) = 91\)

Math Notation

A function for the “C”ount of a value.


The frequency of the type of the first token


The frequency of an arbitrary type.

token next token n math
Call me 1

\(C(w_1w_2) = 1\)

me Ishmael 1

\(C(w_2w_3) = 1\)

Ishmael . 3

\(C(w_3w_4) = 3\)

. Some 27

\(C(w_4w_5) = 27\)

Some years 1

\(C(w_5w_6) = 1\)

Math Notation

The count of times the sequence \(w_1w_2\) occured.


The count of times an arbitrary 2 word sequence appeared


Same as before, but with emphasis on the second word.


Math Notation

The probability of the first word


The probability of an arbitrary word


The probability that we’ll get word 2 coming after word 1


The probability we’ll get any arbitrary word coming after the word before.

Language Prediction

When we are perceiving language, we are constantly and in real-time making predictions about what we are about to hear next. While we’re going to be talking about this in terms of predicting the next word, It’s been shown that we do this even partway through a word (Allopenna, Magnuson, and Tanenhaus 1998).

So, let’s say I spoke this much of a sentence to you:

I could tell he was angry from the tone of his___

And then a sudden noise obscured the final word, and you only caught part of it. Which of the following three words was I probably trying to say?

  1. boys
  2. choice
  3. voice

Your ability to guess which word it was is based on your i) experience with English turns of phrase and ii) the information in the context.

One goal of Language Models is to assign probabilities across the vocabulary for what the next word will be, and hopefully assign higher probabilities to the “correct” answer than the “incorrect” answer. Applications for this kind of prediction range from speech-to-text (which could suffer from a very similar circumstance as the fictional one above) to autocomplete or spellcheck.

Using context (ngrams)

In the example sentence above, one way we could go about trying to predict which word is most likely is to count up how many times the phrase “I could tell he was angry from the tone of his___” is finished by the candidate words. Here’s a table of google hits for the three possible phrases, as well as all hits for just the context phrase.

“I could tell he was angry from the tone of his” count
boys 0
choice 0
voice 3
“I could tell he was angry from the tone of his” 3

We’re going to start diving into mathematical formulas now (fortunately the numbers are easy right now).

To represent the count of a word or string of words in a corpus. We’ll use \(C(\text{word})\). So given the table above we have

\(C(\text{I could tell he was angry from the tone of his})\) = 3
\(C(\text{I could tell he was angry from the tone of his boys})\) = 0
\(C(\text{I could tell he was angry from the tone of his choice})\) = 0
\(C(\text{I could tell he was angry from the tone of his voice})\) = 3

To describe the probability that the next word is “choice” given that we’ve already heard “I could tell he was angry from the tone of his”, we’ll use the notation \(P(\text{choice} | \text{I could tell he was angry from the tone of his})\). To calculate that probability, we’ll divide the total count of the whole phrase by the count of the preceding context.

\[ P(\text{choice} | \text{I could tell he was angry from the tone of his}) = \frac{C(\text{I could tell he was angry by the tone of his choice})}{C(\text{I could tell he was angry by the tone of his})} = \frac{0}{3} = 0 \]

Or, more generally:

\[ P(w_i|w_{i-n}\dots w_{i-1}) = \frac{w_{i-n}\dots w_i}{w_{i-n}\dots w_{i-1}} \]

In fact, we can estimate the probability of an entire sentence with the Probability Chain Rule. The probability of a sequence of events like \(P(X_1X_2X_3)\) can be estimated by multiplying out their conditional probabilities like so:

\[ P(X_1X_2X_3) = P(X_1)P(X_2|X_1)P(X_3|X_1X_2) \]

Or, to use a phrase as an example:2

\[ P(\text{du hast mich gefragt})=P(\text{du})P(\text{hast}|\text{du})P(\text{mich}|\text{du hast})P(\text{gefragt}|\text{du hast mich}) \]

Data Sparsity

The problem we face is that, even with the whole internet to search, very long phrases like “I could tell he was angry by the tone of his” are relatively rare!

If we look at Moby Dick, using a standard tokenizer (more on that later) we wind up with 255,958 words in total. But not every word is equally likely.

Rank and Frequency of single words in Moby Dick

And as the size of the ngrams increases, the sparsity gets worse.

Rank and Frequency of 2-grams through 5-grams in Moby Dick

A “Hapax Legomenon” is a word or phrase that occurs just once in a corpus. If we look at the 2-grams through 5-grams in Moby Dick and make a plot of what proportion of tokens are hapax legomena, we can see that almost all 5grams appear just once.

The proportion of all tokens which are hapax legomena

The problem with data sparsity

Let’s say we got the following sequence of 4 words, and I wanted to predict the 5th

a man is elevated ?
\(w_1\) \(w_2\) \(w_3\) \(w_4\) \(w_5\)

So, for each word type, I want to know

\[ P(w_i | \text{a man is elevated}) \]

We know this is going to be calculated with this formula:

\[ \frac{C(\text{a man is elevated }w_i)}{C(\text{a man is elevated)}} \]

From the 4gram counts, I’ll grab a table of the frequency of “a man is elevated”.

4gram freq
a man is elevated 1

It looks like “a man is elevated” appeared just once, so it follows that the 5gram that starts with “a man is elevated” also appears just once.

5gram freq
a man is elevated in 1

If we wanted to compare the probabilities of the words in and to in this context. we’d wind up with the following results.

\[ P(\text{in} | \text{a man is elevated}) = \frac{C(\text{a man is elevated in})}{C(\text{a man is elevated)}} = \frac{1}{1} = 1 \]

\[ P(\text{to} | \text{a man is elevated}) = \frac{C(\text{a man is elevated to})}{C(\text{a man is elevated)}} = \frac{0}{1} = 0 \]

According to this 5gram model trained on Moby Dick, there’s a 0% chance that the next word could be “to”.

Is that really reasonable?

Approximating with ngrams

Instead of using long ngrams, we can try approximating with shorter ngrams (known as the Markov Assumption).

\[ P(\text{in} | \text{a man is elevated}) \approx P(\text{in} | \text{elevated}) \]

bigrams freq \(P(w_i)\)
elevated above 2 0.18
elevated , 2 0.18
elevated out 2 0.18
elevated in 1 0.09
elevated quarter-deck 1 0.09
elevated hump 1 0.09
elevated part 1 0.09
elevated open-work 1 0.09

Calculating probabilities

Remember this chain rule?

\[ P(\text{du hast mich gefragt})=P(\text{du})P(\text{hast}|\text{du})P(\text{mich}|\text{du hast})P(\text{gefragt}|\text{du hast mich}) \]

We’d simplify this, like so:

\[ P(\text{du hast mich gefragt}) = P({\text{du} | \text{\#}})P(\text{hast} | \text{du})P(\text{mich} | \text{hast})P(\text{gefragt}|\text{mich}) \]

Log Probabilities

There’s an additional complication about how we represent probabilities. Let’s build a very probable 10 word string starting with “The”. I’ll just grab the most frequent \(w_i\) that comes after \(w_{i-1}\).3

bigram freq \(P(w_i | w_{i-1})\)
The Pequod 15 0.02
Pequod ’ 49 0.28
’ s 1,784 0.64
s a 73 0.04
a little 105 0.02
little , 11 0.04
, and 2,630 0.14
and the 361 0.06
the whale 325 0.02
whale , 173 0.22
[1] "> The Pequod’s a little, and the whale,"

We can calculate the cumulative probability of each next substring of the sentence.

bigram freq \(P(w_i | w_{i-1})\) \(P(w_{i-n}\dots w_i)\)
The Pequod 15 0.02 0.0216763006
Pequod ’ 49 0.28 0.0060693642
’ s 1,784 0.64 0.0038809124
s a 73 0.04 0.0001588042
a little 105 0.02 0.0000036997
little , 11 0.04 0.0000001648
, and 2,630 0.14 0.0000000226
and the 361 0.06 0.0000000014
the whale 325 0.02 0.0000000000
whale , 173 0.22 0.0000000000

I artificially clamped the number of decimal points that would show in the final column to 10, but because of the way computers represent decimal points, they also have a lower limit they can get to.

To avoid things getting weird with decimals that are too small, these probabilities will often be represented as log probabilities.

If you don’t remember how logarithms work, that’s ok. There’s just a few useful properties to remember.

\[ \log(x) \left\{ \begin{array}{c} > 0; x>1\\=0; x =1\\<0; x<1 \end{array} \right\} \]

\[ \log(0) = -\infty \]

\[ \log(x y) = \log(x) + \log(y) \]

\[ \log(\frac{x}{y}) = \log(x) - \log(y) \]

bigram probability log(prob) total log(prob)
The Pequod 0.02 −3.83 −3.83
Pequod ’ 0.28 −1.27 −5.10
’ s 0.64 −0.45 −5.55
s a 0.04 −3.20 −8.75
a little 0.02 −3.76 −12.51
little , 0.04 −3.11 −15.62
, and 0.14 −1.99 −17.61
and the 0.06 −2.81 −20.42
the whale 0.02 −3.74 −24.16
whale , 0.22 −1.49 −25.66
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Allopenna, Paul D., James S. Magnuson, and Michael K. Tanenhaus. 1998. “Tracking the Time Course of Spoken Word Recognition Using Eye Movements: Evidence for Continuous Mapping Models.” Journal of Memory and Language 38 (4): 419–39.


  1. well, almost all.↩︎

  2. Credit here to Kyle Gorman for introducing me to this example.↩︎

  3. If we went longer than 10, we actually get \(\text{The Pequod's a little}\overline{\text{, and the whale}}\)↩︎


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BibTeX citation:
  author = {Fruehwald, Josef},
  title = {Ngrams},
  date = {2024-02-13},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Fruehwald, Josef. 2024. “Ngrams.” February 13, 2024.